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About Us

The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

LOK Chankanha

Communications Assistant

During her bachelor in International Relations at RULE, Kanha used to work as an article writer for food blog (FoodBuzz Cambodia) and worked as an intern at the Cambodian Women’s Crisis Center (CWCC)
When working for CWCC, Kanha also selected for an exchange program with The Garden of Hope Foundation for 2 weeks to share about her experience working with vulnerable women and children at the Women’s Shelter Network Conference in Taiwan 🇹🇼.

After graduated, with all of the experience she had, she is then worked as a Regional Communications Assistant at Terre des Hommes Netherlands in Asia.

With her 4 years-experience in local NGOs and international NGOs, short training courses, she is now handling internal and external communications at the NGO Forum on Cambodia.

Her goal is to re-engage back with the journalists and make sure to roll out the communications outreach of NGOF effectively and efficiency

Education Background

- Bachelor International Relations

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