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The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

សិក្ខាសាលាពិគ្រោះយោបល់ថ្នាក់ជាតិស្តីពី ដំណើរការចុះបញ្ជីដីសមូហភាពសហគមន៍ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច

នាថ្ងៃទី១៨ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២៤ នាទីរួមខេត្តកំពង់ចាម អង្គការគាំទ្រសហគមន៍ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច​ សហការជាមួយវេទិកានៃអង្គការមិនមែនរដ្ឋាភិបាល ស្តីពីកម្ពុជា និងអង្គការដៃគូរផ្សេងទៀត បានរៀបចំ

សិក្ខាសាលាពិគ្រោះយោបល់ថ្នាក់ជាតិស្តីពី ដំណើរការចុះបញ្ជីដីសមូហភាពសហគមន៍ជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច។

សិក្ខាសាលាពិគ្រោះយោបល់ថ្នាក់ជាតិនេះមានការចូលរួមសហការពីក្រសូងជំនាញពាក់ព័ន្ធរួមមានក្រសួង អភិវឌ្ឍន៍ជនបទ ក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ ក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដី នគរូបនីយកម្ម និងសំណង់ ក្រសួងកសិកម្ម រុក្ខាប្រមាញ់ និងនេសាទ និងក្រសួងបរិស្ថាន ព្រមទាំងមានការចូលរួមពីអាជ្ញាធរ តំណាងសហគមន៍ អង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិល និងដៃគូម្ចាស់ជំនួយ សរុបចំនួន ១៥៨ នាក់ (ស្រី៣៧ នាក់)។

សមិទ្ធផលសម្រេចចេញពីខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែង លទ្ធផលស្រាវជ្រាវ បញ្ហាប្រឈម និងសំណូមពរផ្សេងៗត្រូវបានលើកឡើងយកមកពិភាក្សាពាក់ព័ន្ធការចុះបញ្ជីដីសមូហភាពជនជាតិដើមភាគតិច។

លោកបណ្ឌិត ថុល ឌីណា នាយកគម្រោង LASEDIII នៃក្រសូងរៀបចំដែនដី នគរូបនីយកម្ម និងសំណង់ បានលើកឡើងពីការចុះបញ្ជីសហគមន៍កន្លងមកដែលជាលទ្ធផល ១៩៣សហគមន៍ទទួលបានការកំណត់អត្តសញ្ញាណពីក្រសួងអភិឌ្ឍន៍ជនបទ ១៥៣ សហគមន៍ទទួលស្គាល់ជានីតិបុគ្គលពីក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ និង៤៣ សហគមន៍បានទទួលស្គាល់ជាផ្លូវការពីក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដី។​

សូមជម្រាបផងដែលថា លោកសឿង សារឿន នាយកប្រតិបត្តិ អង្គការវេទិកានៃអង្គការមិនមែនរដ្ឋាភិបាល បាលជម្រុញអោយមានការគិតគូពីផែនការក្នុងការរៀបចំធនធាន និងគម្រោងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សហគមន៍ទាំងនោះ បន្ថែមលើខ្លឹមសារនៃកិច្ចពីភាក្សានាពេលនេះ។

ជារួមខ្លឹមសារចេញពីការពិភាក្សា សំណូមពរ និងអនុសាសន៍ផ្សេងៗត្រូវបានចងក្រង និងរៀបចំជាខ្លឹមសារគន្លឹះសម្រាប់ដាក់ជូនថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំក្រសូងពាក់ព័ន្ធ ដើម្បីបន្តពិភាក្សា និងចូលរួមដោះស្រាយ។


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Jun 23, 2020

The success of Chambok Eco-tourism community depends on the community
Mr. Touch Morn , Community leader of Chambok Eco-tourism, described that the success and significant achievements of the Chambok community today are the results of the efforts of the community members. Mr. Morn said on 23 June 2020, he expressed the main successes of the community include the conservation of forests, patrol, and protect wildlife and natural resource in the area. Communities can get income from the tourists from the visiting, bird watching, swimming in the community six waterfalls, bats, camping and food can also be arranged for tourists. He remembers all the support of Mlup Baitong, civil society organizations, donors, local authorities, and the Ministry of Environment, which has always been a catalyst for his community and his community to become a role model. Mr. Tek Vannara , Executive Director of NGOF, is delighted and appreciative of Mr. Touch Morn for his leadership, management, and ownership of the community to the protected areas and the eco-tourism site of Chambok! He encouraged and whished Mr. Touch Morn and all community committee members to stay healthy and keeping active in the development and conservation of Chambok. We have to protect the common property. Land and forestry programs and all NGOF programs are actively involved in the forestry protection and conservation of natural resources. While this Mid-Year Reflection 2020, on June 23, 2020, we participate in the activity to plant more trees in the Chambok community and learned more for the community.

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Jul 5, 2018

[:en]NGOs Group on Environment and Climate Change Together Discussed New NSDP (2019-2023) for Cambodia, Community Resilience and Climate Change Adaptation/Disaster Risk Reduction Mainstreamin...
Influencing into commune development plan by mainstreaming the CCA/DRR was initiated by the NGOs Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA) of NGO Forum on Cambodia and Southern Voice on Adaptation (SVA) as well as interesting partners in order to find the best strategy to work at both national and sub-national levels where the CC prone area.. That is a piloting project had been introduced since 2015. We also refreshed the Join Principle for Adaptation principle and how we could track the CCA mainstreaming for sub national level, especially the Commune Development Planning. There were two tracking sheets had been discussed and agreed by participants who suggested them to fill up the visible information with the specific activities and relevant commitments to support local community and authorities aiming develop the commune development planning integrating the CCA concept based on CCA mainstream guidelines. In this second quarterly meeting, there were 30 participants (6 women) actively participated. This meeting was conducted on 04-05 July 2018. The meeting was discussed in the following: - To share information at the ground and update the ongoing individual NECA member’s activities - To update the climate change scenario and policies - To buy in the National Strategic Development Plan (2019-2023) developing in theme climate change - To update the tracking CCA/DRR mainstreaming into CIP/CDP - To discuss on NECA ToR and membership - To update the Environment and Natural Resource Code - To refresh the Strategic Environment Assessment This meeting was started with update from NECA members who were actively worked on climate change and environment issue with the grass root level as well as the progress of CCA mainstreaming into CIP/CDP from respective target area. Would be significant highlighting that under SVA activity; we focus this year on CCA mainstreaming into CIP/CDP by using the JPA principles. So far a three days training had been conducted for 37 participants from NGOs Environment and Climate Change Alliance (NECA) of The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) from Battambang, Banteay MeanChey, Kratie, Prey Veng, Rattanak Kiri, Kompong Cham, Takeo, Kompong Thom, Kompong Speu, Tbong Khom, Pursat and Phnom aimed at 1) to improve capacity and knowledge of NECA members, CBOs, local authorities and concern stakeholders on understanding of the climate change concept and mainstreaming tools including VRA, CDP/CIP formulation process, and JPA 2) to strengthen sub-national engagement to apply concept and principle of climate change mainstreaming tools into their works in address climate change issues. In order to help the participant to have deep understanding, in the last day of the workshop the field was organized to practice the VRA and JPA tools for climate change mainstreaming into CIP/CDP. Therefore,it is good time to update on the Guideline for the Preparation of the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023 for all participant to understand the involvement of the CSO in NSDP development process. There were many speakers invited from government agencies and CSO partners. H.E Poch Sovanndy, Advisor, Ministry of Planning, Presented the Guideline for the Preparation of the National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023.H.E mentioned that NSDP 2019-2023 is in the preparation process. Ministry of Planning takes a lead to develop this NSDP starting from preparing the draft outline of NSDP after got permission from all levels for official preparation of NSDP. There were 7 chapters including key achievement, development of macro-economic development, next five years strategic planning, budget plan of the next five years strategic plan, monitoring and evaluation etc. Monitoring will be done every year but in reality only bi-yearly monitoring will be held by sector ministries and at the national level. Mr. Tea Saorithy, Program Budget Planning Specialist, Department of Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries presented the draft of NSDP 2019-2023 in agriculture and water sector. In the next five year it is expected that agriculture sector increase. The agriculture master plan for 2030 also defined clearly this section. He also mentioned that ASSDP will be developed with need to collect input from all departments and stakeholders. It will be discussed with TWG A&W while the key contents finalize. Other speaker, Mr. Iean Russell, Senior Policy Advisor of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations also invited for presenting the NSDP 2019-2023 development process and the NGO/CSO roadmap to NSDP in particularly food security and nutrition. He presented the background, approach, timeline and recommendations. The propose approach for NSFSN 2019-2023 for collect input from all key stakeholder. Suggested priorities for joint action in the following: - Community led nutrition and food security program - Important contribution of DRR and food security - Overall targets. SDG need to coordinate to work together such as govt, cso, private sector. - 32% stunting children from zero to 18 years by 2025. The next five years we need to achieve this goal. Mr. KEO Bunly, Development Policy Working Group Coordinator of the NGO FORUM on Cambodia (NGO Forum) presented CSO contribution and inputs to NSDP 2019-2023. We have identified the technical working group for submitting the CSO input. There are 19 TWGs currently functioning including A&W, CC, Access to Information etc. We will work with ministry of economic and finance. We will work with consultant to conduct desk review. It will be present to TWGs. As an observer to Climate Investment Fund (CIF); Mr. Sou Socheat, Live and Lean also joinedt us by providing the comprehensive presentation,and discussed about CSO engagement with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Civil Society and CIF Action. Observably that is also good opportunity for CSO to report our concerns and perspective directly to CIF as wee. Meanwhile; Mr. Thy Try, ODC Executive Director and SEA Alumni for Cambodia also refreshed about Strategic Environment Assessment. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) effectively promote sustainable development by mainstreaming the environment into economic development and integrating green economy targets into strategic and project-related decision-making. SEA and EIA are the procedures that ensure the environmental implications of decisions to be taken into account before the decisions making. SEA is applied earlier in the decision making to government plans, programmes and policy documents. Congratulation and good news that NECA steering committees have been reviewed and approved the applicants. Now there are new 7 organizations becoming as NECA members namely 1) Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) 2) Rural Community and Environment Development Organization (RCEDO) 3) The Social Environment Agricultural Development Organization (SEADO) 4) Strengthen and Extend Community Economic Association(SECEA)5) Village Support Group (VSG) 6) Environmental Protection and Development Organization, (EPDO) and 7) ) Our Objective Organization (OOO).

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Jul 20, 2017

Understanding on the Law on Association and NGO in Quarterly Member Meeting
NGO Forum on Cambodia organized its quarterly member meeting on July 20, 2017 (half day) at Ecumenical Diakonia Centre (PPEDC) Phnom Penh with 142 (42 female) participants chaired by Mr. Norng Sivouthan, a member of NGO Forum Management Committees, country director of HEKS/EPER. Mr. Norng Sivouthan, gave a warm welcome and thanked to all NGO members, government, and development partners for their participation in the important meeting for the interesting agenda, especially the law on association and NGO. He would inform the meeting objectives to share information with NGO members and discuss on their challenges and needs in order to accomplish the goal as set in the NGOF work plan. Chairman also briefed the key agendas of meeting as following: 1) updating significant progress report of NGOF (May-July); 2) updating on financial management of NGOF (Jan-Jun); 3) updating on implementing of law on association and NGO; 4) role of NGO to comply to the LANGO; 5) election of management committee of NGOF; and 6) collection of inputs for evaluation on final strategic plan of NGOF. Dr. TEK Vannara, NGOF executive director updated the progress coordinated by NGOF as secretariat to NGO members, networks, and working group in the 3rd quarter of 2017 such as (1) Coordinated members and network members for input on the draft agriculture land law; (2) Coordinated and discussed for inputs on the final draft environment and NRM code; (3) Climate change technical working group was established by National Council for Sustainable Development; (4) MRC accepted for re-discussion on Pak Beng dam; (5) proper compensation to affected community with Sesan II project; and others. Understanding on the Law on Association and NGOMr. Run Saray, attorney and executive director of LAC, presented about concerns which were requirements in the LANGO as followings: • Registration: All associations and local NGOs had to register with MOI while international NGOs had to register with MoFAIC. At least 3 initiators with age of 18 years up could create association and NGO.• Information: registetered associations and NGOs had to inform to MOI if there were any changes related to director (initiators), office address, financing (account name and account number) and ageements with donors. • Reporting: local NGO had to report of activity and finance to MOI while international NGO had to report to MoFAIC. Where would NGOs registered with Council of Ministers and Ministry of Cult and Religion report to? Did it require CBOs to do so?• Neutral: It would be a good opportunity to have H.E. Chhim Kan to describe about that.Recently, MOI issued information to CSOs on submission of financial and activity report, bank information, change of director and so on to MOI and MEF. As these were still not clear , please MoI gave more explanation. Please also give direction for youth organization.H.E. Chhim Kan, Deputy Director General of General Department of Administration of MOI informed about the obligation of association and NGO as below.• Mission of MOI was to uphold social security, social order, political situation, economy, society, and rule of law with responsible manner.• RGC recognized the interesting participation of CSOs contributing to the development process.• Prior to the promulgation of LANGO, RGC had drafted and consulted for more than 20 years with concern people and international community.• Registered NGOs with Council of Minister had already transferred to MOI, but registered NGOs with Ministry of Cult and Religion were not under authority of MOI. • Registration process was the same as usual before the LANGO was effective. • The law encouraged to association and NGOs to have tax exemption imported equipment and vehicles.• Until now there were 460 association and NGOs had registered again with MOI.• There were 5,101 associations and NGOs registered before the law.• Until now there were 114 NGOs had informed MOI about their bank information. • Article 10 and Article 15, there were 143 NGOs submitted their activity report to MOI.• About 400 NGOs operated on financial business opposite to the law, but they were under processing of register with National Bank of Cambodia.• MOI encouraged for communal land title of IPs and IPs did not require to register according to the LANGO, but they had to follow sub-decree 83. Mr. Norng Sivouthan coordinated the session with two honorable guest speakers (1) H.E. Chhim Kan, Deputy Director General of General Department of Administration of MOI and (2) Mr. Run Saray, attorney and executive director of LAC on understanding on and role of NGOs to the LANGO such as informing, registration, reporting and being neutral. Mr. Ouk Vannara, Deputy Executive Director of NGOF facilitated the process of MC election to replace the 2 years end mandate members of MC. As result, Ms. Pok Panhavichetr and Mr. Ngin Saorath won the election with the same numbers of vote 26 of 43 while Ms. Luy Reaksmey got 22 of 43 votes. The meeting was also provided the opportunity to members and network members of NGOF to provide inputs and recommendations on NGOF’s final program evaluation, which facilitated by independent consultants. Mr. Norng Sivouthan, chair of the meeting summarized the key achievements of the 3rd quarterly member meeting and appreciated for various achievements coordinated by NGOF. Finally, chair of meeting closed the meeting at 12:00pm.

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