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About Us

The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

June 2, 2017

Consultation Meeting with Development Partners and Donors on Pak Beng Hydropower Development Project in Lao PDR
On 01st – 02nd June 2017, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF), Rivers Coalition in Cambodia (RCC) and Save the Mekong members, and Oxfam...


May 31, 2017

CSOs Members Pursue to Build the Local Community Resilience and Tracking the Climate Change Adaption Mainstream to Communal Development Planning
Advocacy strategy on climate change policy influence into CDP/CIP was initiated by NGOF and Southern Voice on Adaptation in order to find...


May 26, 2017

Consultation Meeting on “Zoning Guideline of Protected Area Management”
On 26 May 2017: Indigenous Peoples and Forestry Network (IPFN) of the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) organize draft of zoning guideline of...


May 19, 2017

Forum on the Commitment of Political Parties to Respond to Local Development Issues
The Forum was held on 19th May 2017 at Tonle Bassac Restaurant II, in Phnom Penh. The organizer of the Forum was NGO Forum on Cambodia...


May 5, 2017

The 2nd Regional Stakeholder Forum on the Pak Beng Hydropower Project
The 2nd Regional Stakeholder Forum on the Pak Beng Hydropower Project on 05 May 2017 at Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR. There are...


May 4, 2017

Address the needs of vulnerable group through Training Of Trainer (ToT) Training Workshop on VRA and JPA into Commune Development Planning (CIP/CDP)
Classy Hotel &Spa, Battambang Province: During this three days training, there are 37 participants from NGOs Environment and Climate...


May 3, 2017

Quarterly Member Meeting
NGO Forum on Cambodia’s quarterly member meeting was held on May 03, 2017 at Phnom Penh Ecumenical Diakonia Centre (PPEDC/ICF) from...


April 28, 2017

Earth Day 2017: Environmental & Climate Literacy
The first Earth Day was organized on the 22nd of April in 1970 and mobilized millions of people to support environmental protection...


April 8, 2017

Social Cooperate Responsibility (CSR): Experiences of Private Companies and Government’s Implementation in China
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) with American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) to host an Exchange Visit on Social Cooperate...


April 6, 2017

Natural Resources and Environment Code, Environmental Impact Assessment and Climate Change concerns are still in top agenda in discussing among CSOs and the Ministry of Environment
On the 6th of April 2017, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) facilitated a meeting between CSOs and the Ministry of Environment (MoE). The...


April 3, 2017

Weekly Diplomacy Mission for Consultation Meeting with the Embassies and International Agencies in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
On 03rd – 06thApril 2017, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) and the Rivers Coalition in Cambodia (RCC) co-organizeda consultation meeting...


March 31, 2017

Research Launching on Preparedness of Cambodia Small Landholder Farmers toward ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Integration
On 31 March 2017: The NGO Forum on Cambodia through its Agriculture Policies Monitoring Project to organize research launching on...


Latest Updated
Upcoming Event
1st Regional Conference on Land and Natural Resources Governance
Aug 11, 2020
26th International Day of Indigenous Peoples
Aug 9, 2020
Meeting Between Civil Society Organizations and Media Journalist
Aug 4, 2020
Quarterly Member Meeting in July 2020
Jul 22, 2020
Jul 8, 2020

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