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About Us

The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

July 8, 2019

The summary report of the Kick-off Workshop on Women’s Economic Participation and Gender Relations Research Project
On July 08, 2019, NGOF and AFSC were co-organized on the summary report of the Kick-off workshop on women’s Economic Participation and...


July 5, 2019

National Workshop on Cambodia’ Citizen Climate Budget
In order to develop a Citizen Climate Budget (CCB) that will present the government’s budget plans for climate change mitigation and...


June 28, 2019

NGO Forum’s Mid-year Reflection
As part of the team building program, on the way to the border in Kampong Trach, sightseeing was facilitated with the team gathering and...


June 25, 2019

Multi-Stakeholders Dialogue on Responsible Foreign Direct Investment in Agriculture in Cambodia
The role of investment, in particularly foreign direct investment (FDI), is regarded as one of the most important contributors to...


June 14, 2019

Training on Istanbul Principles
The NGO Forum on Cambodia recently received a small grant from the Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN) under the themes for promoting...


June 7, 2019

Awareness raising on the SIS and 1st report on SOI to NSA network on Forest Governance and Management/REDD+
The NGO Forum, RECOFTC and National REDD+ secretariat organized 2-day awareness raising on the Safeguard Information System (SIS) and the...


June 5, 2019

Environment and World Environment Day, 05 June
This event is part of inspiring all Cambodian citizens to better understand the impact of air pollution which affected on health and...


May 30, 2019

Training on Mediation for LAHRiN Network Member
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) have facilitated a three-day training on mediation for 32 members of Land and Housing Rights Network...


May 29, 2019

2nd Quarterly NDF-C Meeting
On May 29, 2019, The NGO Forum on Cambodia facilitate 2nd Quarterly Meeting on Network for Development of Food Security and Safety in...


May 24, 2019

LAHRiN Quraterly Meeting 24 May
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) has facilitated 2nd Quarterly LAHRiN Member Meeting which participated from LAHRiN member and partners...


May 21, 2019

7th MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum on Mekong Transboundary Integrated Water Resources
The 7th MRC Regional Stakeholder Forum on Mekong Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Manager was organized at Sofitel Bangkok...


May 16, 2019

CSOs Meeting with Construction Companies and Preah Vihear Provincial Authorities
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) led by Ouk Vannara, Executive Director of the NGO Forum on Cambodia, coordinated the NGO Members of the...


Latest Updated
Upcoming Event
Annual Meeting of Technical Working Group on Agriculture and Water
Feb 7, 2022
Assessing the Impact of Low Water Flow on the Mekong Riverine and Tonle Sap Lake Communities
Jan 6, 2022
The Consultative Workshop on Community and Network for Forest Governance (N4F) Planning Integration
Dec 28, 2021
National Dialogue on the Review of the Mid-term Implementation of National Strategic Development Plan 2019-2023
Nov 26, 2021
The 10th Farmer Forum on Promoting Market and Processing of Agricultural Products of Medium and Smallholder Farmers
Nov 23, 2021

Our Latest

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