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About Us

The NGOF is a membership organization that builds NGO cooperation and capacity, supporting NGO networks and other civil society organizations to engage in policy dialogue, debate and advocacy.

October 12, 2019

IP Consultation Workshop
On Thursday, October 12, 2019, at the Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant in Phnom Penh, the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with the Ministry...


October 12, 2019

Consultative Workshops to Plan A Strategy on Conservation and Development of Indigenous Peoples
On Thursday, October 12, 2019 at the Tonle Bassac 2 Restaurant in Phnom Penh, the NGO Forum on Cambodia in cooperation with the Ministry...


September 25, 2019

Annual Regional Non-State Actors Forum for V4MF
The Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) project, funded by the European Union, aims to strengthen the voices of nonstate actors in forest...


September 20, 2019

Dissemination Workshop on CSDG and NDSP
On 20th September 2019 at COFAF office, Kompong Thom province. Under support from NPA, The NGO Forum on Cambodia has sub-contracted a...


September 17, 2019

Public Forum on Public Financial Management (PFM) and Citizen Participation
The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) co-organized with NGOs on BWG which such as ANSA, STAR Kampuchea, Oxfam, GADC, NEP, Save the Children,...


August 28, 2019

Cross Network Meeting on Strategy for Land and Natural Resource Conflict Resolution
On August 27-28, 2019, the Community Legal Education Center and NGO Forum have organized Cross Network Meeting on Strategy for Land and...


August 22, 2019

Consultative Workshop on Review Indigenous Community’s By-law, Internal Rule and Communal Land Titling
The NGO Forum on Cambodia, ICSO and in collaboration with a number of NGOs, organized Consultative Workshop on Review Indigenous...


August 22, 2019

Training Program on Basic Budget Analysis and Advocacy for NGOs
The NGO Forum on Cambodia conducted training on Basic Budget Analysis and Advocacy for NGOs, especially for Budget Working Group (BWG),...


July 31, 2019

Awareness Raising on NSDP and CSDGs to provincial NGO Network
The NGO Forum on Cambodia received fund from NPA to implement the project called Strengthening CSO in policy and participatory monitoring...


July 30, 2019

Public Forum – the Mekong We Want
There are 10 local and international civil society organizations which are Save the Mekong, International River, CVS, NGOF, 3SPN, CYN,...


July 30, 2019

The 3rd Quarterly Member Meeting 2019
The NGO Forum on Cambodia’s (NGOF) organized its quarterly member meeting on July 30, 2019, at Phnom Penh Ecumenical Diakonia Centre...


July 23, 2019

Monitoring and Intervention of Irrigation Project Development in Preah Vihear Province
Introduction In order to contribute to the Preah Vihear administration in resolving land disputes, the NGO Forum on Cambodia facilitated...


Latest Updated
Upcoming Event
111th International Women’s Day, March 08
Mar 8, 2022
Workshop on Reviewing the Research Results of the Working Group on indigenous communities in Mondulkiri Province
Mar 4, 2022
Orientation and Dissemination Workshop on National Social Protection Broadcasting Mechanism
Mar 4, 2022
Launching and Dialogue on Research Findings on Green Financing Policies Implementation in Cambodia
Feb 24, 2022
1st Quarterly Member Meeting in 2022
Feb 22, 2022

Our Latest

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